Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Olive Oil for Your Hair? What?!

So Seriously, my hair has been so dry lately. I don't know if it is the weather or the fact that I had a baby 4 months ago. Nevertheless I feel like I'm wearing string on my head. Ick!
So Monday night I'm cooking dinner. I pour a little olive oil over my chicken for moisture and flavor. Before I set down the bottle I begin to examine it. Like REALLY examine it.
If you haven't actually read the ingredients on the bottle you will learn that, well, there isn't much to read. All it tells me is that it is made from olives and contains A LOT of fat (according to some it is good fat in moderation).
I grab my bottle thinking "well if it gives my chicken moisture why not my hair?". Into the bathroom I walk with my trusty bottle of olive oil. I start with my roots thinking that is where the problem begins. But I got rather carried away and slopped it on my entire head. Oh well. After pulling my hair into a loose bun I look at my reflection. My hair looks greasy like I haven't showered in a month and my forehead has a little olive oil residue. My boyfriend gets home from work and asks what the heck is on my hair. I simply smile and shrug. How ridiculous do I look?!
After about 4 hours I shampoo'ed the olive oil out of my hair. I had to use a ton of shampoo. I haven't noticed a difference yet. I plan to repeat this process only next time wrapping my head in saran wrap to lock in the moisture. Ridiculous right?!
If anyone has any moisturizing tips, tricks, good vibes please send them my way! I'm lost in a maze of frizzy dry hair. Ugh!

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